S.G. Sorokina


The article is aimed at identifying certain types of professional consciousness in contemporary employees. The typical features of professional consciousness are considered resting on the most popular approaches to the analysis and types of professional activity, interaction and employee personality. Given the seminal perspective arguing that goal-oriented, productive performance requires being comprehended by the individual based on the individual’s perceptions of their own professional position, the author describes the psychological conditions for the developing typical features of professional consciousness. Such psychological conditions are considered to be employees’ focus on their professional area, social structure of the team and the value of work as a whole. An employee personality proves to be the semantic dominant that defines the hierarchy of the focal points determined and, in particular, their combinations. This personality mode used for the perception and assessment of the professional reality acts as the core of an individual’s professional consciousness, as well as the indicator for identifying typical features of professional consciousness.

Keywords: professional consciousness, types of professional consciousness, collaboration, professional position, professional activity, professional interaction


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