V.I. Slobodchikov
(expert opinion)
The article presents the expert opinion of the Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Chief researcher of the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Upbringing of the Russian Academy of Education Vladimir Ivanovich Slobodchikov on the problem field of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Cultural-historical trends in the development of professional activity”, held on December 18-19, 2020 at the Moscow City Pedagogical University. The problem field of the conference is outlined by psycholinguistic and psychological analysis of nature, phenomenology, as well as various forms of professional activity support and professional communication in the modern world. Special attention is paid to the possibilities of expanding the key positions of the cultural-historical approach in the multidisciplinary aspect, taking into account the modern socio-cultural transformations of the world of professional activity and professional communication.
Keywords: cultural and historical approach, professional education, professional activity, professional communication, anthropological meaning.