Nikitichev I.G.
Abstract. The paper attempts to analyze the speech behavior of a bilingual in academic communication which is determined by the choice of linguistic units aimed at persuasion. The bilingual’s word choice in the study is explained in accordance with the speech techniques of evidentiary argumentation. The study of bilinguals’ speech behavior is aimed at highlighting the linguistic means of speech influence which are used in the transmission of scientific knowledge in the genre of scientific article. It is shown that the verbal component of bilinguals’ academic communication is determined not only by nominative units of scientific style but also by intensive conscious use of expressive lexico-grammatical structures as auxiliary means of realizing speech influence and facilitating the understanding of translated scientific knowledge in a foreign language. Such language techniques reflect specific features of bilinguals’ speech in academic communication. When transmitting new knowledge, a bilingual translates academic identity as belonging to the international scientific community, while preserving cultural identity in speech. The results and conclusions of the study may be of interest to specialists in the field of academic discourse.
Keywords: academic communication, bilinguals, linguistic means, persuasion, identity.