I.V. Vashunina


The article presents the results of a study of logos of higher educational institutions. The main purpose of the article is to characterize the formation of the meaning of the creolized logo text. The material of the study was 108 logos of Moscow universities. The logo consists of two components: a verbal and a visual component. The verbal component is usually the name of the university, less often it contains additional information. The meaning of the logo is always based on the verbal component, which can be considered as a logical subject. The iconic component is a statement about this subject, that is, it is a logical predicate. Logos carry information about the order (often) or freedom, emancipation, can inform that this University is a Russian university by name, or by its function, subject to government ministries and departments, and not only to the Ministry of education, is a classical University, usually with a long history, this is the place where a full, complete, harmonious education is given, it is a major institution, where students require knowledge, gain wisdom, this is the place where you develop, grow, increase their  luggage of knowledge, it’s a place to learn, this is the place, where they learn something specific. Currently, when designing logos, there is a change in the cognitive paradigm (the presentation of information on the choice of the addressee) to the psycholinguistic one (the creation of images that affect the addressee).

Keywords: psycholinguistic paradigm, logos of higher educational institutions, creolized text, iconic component of the creolized text, form semantics, color semantics.


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