«organizational psycholinguistics»
The communication environment in in modern Russia draws attention towards linguistics in almost all spheres of human activity. One cannot nowadays imagine politics, management, construction, and education without innovative communication technologies. Effective communication becomes the primary criterion for a high-quality job and the social processes follows one of the basic dialectical principles – a human develops in activity and in communication. The colossal scientific and technological progress changes the social life where the successful social interaction depends upon effective communication is. These innovative challenges call for breakthrough scientific technologies in the field of communication.
The most unresolved problem of linguistics is the scarcity of the applied research base in the field of management. For example, such phenomena as speech behavior in an organization, professional speech activity, corporate consciousness, speech influence in the professional sphere, etc. remain outside the scientific analysis. Moreover, the theoretical apparatus of related sciences (psychology, management) does not encompass a lot of aspects of these phenomena. The alienation of the science of language from management science is especially clearly manifested in the social demand for the development of the medium and small business management systems of, which, in general, brings to the fore the fundamental links of applied linguistics and management.
In foreign scientific practice, the interdisciplinary links between linguistics and the theory of organizations are analyzed within the framework of organizational linguistics, which concentrates on the linguistic aspects of organizational culture. Based the theory of speech activity, the Russian psycholinguistic school argues that organizational culture is shaped by verbal and non-verbal consciousness. At the same time, the organizational psychology theoretical inventory, put into the foundation of organizational linguistics, goes far beyond the history of the “birth” and “life” of an organization and the pathways of organizational culture translation.
Organizational psycholinguistics as a new interdisciplinary subject area should be considered as part of organizational psychology whose theoretical and empiric inventory is laid into the foundation of organizational psycholinguistics. In turn, organizational psycholinguistics develops a psycholinguistic approach to the analysis of the organizational realm. Communication is organization of joint activities and this thesis underpins the analysis of psychological phenomena resulting from the speech behavior and human activity in an organization.
From the conceptual point of view, organizational psycholinguistics is a theory of speech communication specification applied to small professional groups, work collectives, and organizations. The object of organizational psycholinguistics is the communication in organizations, work collectives and professional groups. The subject of organizational psycholinguistics is the influence of people’s professional activities on their communication in organizations, work collectives and professional groups.
Given the specificity of the issues raised, the priority goals of the electronic scientific journal “Organizational Psycholinguistics” are:
– to cover current achievements in the field of labor psychology, organizational psychology, general linguistics and psycholinguistics;
– to accumulate and disseminate professional experience and research achievements in the field of psycholinguistics and psychology;
– to develop the information environment of the modern community of psychologists and psycholinguists;
– to develop the scientific school of organizational psycholinguistics.
The primary issues of organizational psycholinguistics include:
а) interdisciplinary links between psycholinguistics and the theory of organization;
b) psychology of verbal and non-verbal behavior of an employee;
c) collective subject of professional speech activity;
d) communicational psycholinguistics in organizations;
e) development of psycholinguistic tools for organizational culture analysis;
f) definition a typology of professional linguistic personality
g) verbal and non-verbal consciousness of a modern employee.
Organizational psycholinguistics will significantly expand the object of linguistics, as well as ensure the interdisciplinary development of the methodology of management, psychology and psycholinguistics.
Sergey Myskin
Doctor of Philological Sciences,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences,