E.I. Isaev


The article is devoted to the presentation of the results of the search and development of psychological knowledge as the basis and component of modern pedagogical professionalism. It is noted that professional pedagogical activity in developmental education needs an integral, professionally oriented, effective psychological knowledge adequate to its semantic purpose. A critical analysis of the traditional, academic in its essence, practice of psychological training of a teacher is given. The author notes the inconsistency of the approach to its content by internally unrelated branches of scientific psychology built on various theoretical foundations. The methodological and theoretical foundations of the development of psychological anthropology as the content of the psychological education of teachers are presented. The categorical structure of psychological anthropology is substantiated, which includes categories and concepts that describe the inner world of a person, the way of his being, patterns and content of ontogenetic development, psychological and pedagogical conditions for building a developing educational process. The educational content of psychological anthropology is presented as a holistic, systematic description of human psychology, psychology of human development, psychology of human education. The educational significance of the heterogeneity of psychological knowledge itself, its existence as a theory, design and practical-methodological knowledge is emphasized. The prospects for the further development of psychological anthropology as an educational content and as a scientific approach are outlined.

Keywords: psychological anthropology, pedagogical anthropology, pedagogical professionalism, developmental education, educational knowledge, system of psychological concepts.


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[1] «Психология человека» как учебная дисциплина была включена в учебные планы педагогических вузов в 1995 году.

[2] Рекомендованы Министерством образования в качестве учебных пособий для студентов педагогических вузов.

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