I. Vashunina


The article outlines the problems that may arise in professional communication due to different gender of its participants. The gender factor is one of the characteristics of the professional team along with the age, as well as the hierarchical structure, professional inhomogeneity, different directions of professional activity and individual characteristics. All together, they make up a social portrait of the team, which is characterized by time-to-time variability. During the experiment, some gender differences were identified and their possible impact on the success of professional communication is predicted. It was found out that men and women differently evaluate the emotional and expressive texts. Men are somewhat more demanding than women to visualize information. Women prefer realism, and to men it may seem trivial, and they often tend to originality and symbolism. As for the visual presentation of information, men do not perceive the black-and – white scale, and women-blue-green-purple one. When evaluating a text, a woman, in comparison with a man, can overestimate its both positive and negative characteristics. Based on the results obtained, recommendations for professional communication are given. It is necessary to take into account the non-isolated effect of the gender factor, which is due to its entry into the social portrait of the team.

Keywords: professional communication, gender differences, social portrait of the professional team, experimental research.



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