Lobanova L. P.


The article presents an analysis of the influence of the concepts of I. Kant and M. F. Quintilian on the formation of the ethical foundations of oratory, as well as the question of the role of speech actions and opinions in historical processes.
A comparative analysis of the views of I. Kant and M. F. Quintilian on the ethical principles of oratory and rhetoric allows us to better understand their development from antiquity to modern times, as well as to confirm the status of speech actions and the role of opinions in historical processes, which was fixed by the French revolution.
Public life is governed by speech actions, which must be properly organized in the interests of successful development. All the rhetorical schools of antiquity, in particular, served the purpose of creating such a correct organization of speech actions, although the understanding of rhetoric as a subject differed depending on the rhetorical concept.
The lost theoretical work of Quintilian” On the causes of the decline of eloquence ” (De causis corruptae eloquentiae) was presumably devoted to the consideration of the relationship between the loss of rhetoric of its meaning and the General decline of morals, public morals and the corruption of language, which was most evident in schools.

Keywords: Kant, Quintilian, rhetoric, ethical foundations, speech actions



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