Ju. Zhuravleva


The communicative model of the natural verbal process is based on shifting the research focus from the language and its units to the communicative actions, which are assigned the function of meaning formation. This focus of the study involves the allocation and consideration of typical communicative situations and their components. One of these situations is communication in professional environment. The paper deals with conceptualization ways of professional communication. Communication is understood as a multilevel and multistage process that includes conscious and unconscious, verbal and non-verbal, rational and irrational components. We have limited the consideration of irrational aspects of professional communication to a group of cognitive distortions that can be expressed in the form of irrational ideas. Such distortions relate to the subject’s ideas about itself, ideas about the interlocutor, as well as ideas about the communicative situation in general and the subject of communication. We put thesis about the possibility to consider such distortions not only at the level of psychology of the subject, but also at the level of the group subject and the system of relations connecting the team members with each other. This approach has heuristic potential for the theory of organizational psycholinguistics.
Keywords: professional communication, labor collective, professional world image, irrational ideas, cognitive distorttions


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