Vorobieva E.
In modern society, the consumption of objects has turned into the consumption of signs, which covers all spheres of human life. Color, as one of the elements of the sign system, performs an information function, reporting on the properties of the product, communication, reflecting the positioning of goods, identification, allowing you to know the necessary product and emotional. In this case, additional values and symbols transmitted in color are consumed: the company logo, packaging and figurative name using color shades. The reaction to color is communicated to a person by a peculiar inner feeling, which is largely mediated by both physiology (gender, age) and the cultural and social environment. Favorable correlation of price and quality gives way to the emotive side, when under the influence of external factors in the mind arise memories and associations that affect value preferences. This is a kind of connecting link that makes adjustments to the perception of information.
The outside world evokes various mental color associations, which depend on geographical, historical, cultural and social factors. Under the influence of external factors in the mind, associative images arise. In this case, the color is interpreted at the cognitive level of characters and images. In this regard, a special role is played by the color metaphor, which is considered as a way to create a linguistic picture of the world that arises as a result of cognitive use of the meanings that are already available in the language with the aim of creating new emotionally colored color images for the nomination of everyday items.
Keywords: color designation, color metaphor, associative image, connotation, core of linguistic consciousness, peripheral consciousness zone.
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