Editor in Chief
Myskin Sergey Vladimirovich, Doctor of Philology, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, is one of the leading specialists in the field of organizational psychology and organizational psycholinguistics in the country. He developed the conceptual provisions of professional language consciousness and the features of its functioning. To the scientific interests of Myskin S. V. these include psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, social psychology, organizational psychology, social work, professional language and non-language consciousness, language professional personality, organizational psycholinguistics, professional self-determination of the individual, professional languages and jargons.
Myskin S. V. for a long time led the career guidance activities of the university, was the executive secretary of the admissions committee. Focus on innovation and creative approach to solving work tasks allowed Myskinu S. V. to develop a new strategy of career guidance work with students of Moscow educational organizations based on modern information technologies, to create a concept and technology for conducting a career guidance educational exhibition, which provides a positive dynamics of the number of applicants, as well as the growth of the university’s popularity among students (thanks to the head of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow). Since 2017, he has been the head of the Master’s program “Psycholinguistics of Speech Influence”. He conducts active research and practical work in the field of training highly qualified psychologists and psycholinguists, creating innovative methodological support, and modernizing the system of training psychological and linguistic personnel in educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Myskin S. V. actively participates in the social life of the city of Moscow. He is the author and scientific director of the projects “Promotion of employment of disabled people” of the Department of Labor of the Population of Moscow (2011-2015), “Social Auction” of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow (2013-2018). The projects are aimed at socializing students with disabilities, as well as those in difficult life situations, to the current socio-economic conditions prevailing in the modern labor market. He constantly participates in international and regional scientific conferences, expertise of various projects in the field of psychology and psycholinguistics, and social protection.
The list of scientific works of S. V. Myskin includes about 90 titles with a total volume of more than 110 printed sheets, published on various topical issues of psychology, linguistics, psycholinguistics, and social work in Russia. Myskin S. V. is the author of 3 databases registered by Rospatent. The H-index is 8.
Myskin S. V.-winner of the competition “Moscow Grant” in the field of science and technology in the field of education (2003, 2006); winner of the competition “Moscow Institutional Grants in the field of professional education” (2008); winner of the competition “Best research work of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of Moscow State Pedagogical University” in the category “Best research article” (2009). Awarded the diploma of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, as well as the diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2013).