Работа выполнена при частичной поддержке гранта РФФИ 17-29-07051
А.А. Chuganskaya, N.V. Chudova
The article considers the main psychological and linguistic approaches to the definition and categorization of reasoning. The current task of highlighting textual signs of reasoning and determining parameters within the framework of the everyday picture of the world is set. An analysis of texts from the network discourse on the topic of distance education is given as an example of everyday reasoning of various forms. The study gives examples of text parameters of everyday and mythological reasoning, features of causality and frame structure. The study revealed the significance of normality and inclusion in the script for everyday reasoning, the emotionality of texts and a special type of transductive conclusions – for semantic reasoning. It was found that everyday reasoning about mass distance education is three times less common than semantic reasoning. This allows us to suggest a mechanism for mastering a new social situation by public consciousness. An analysis of the representation in social networks of the problem of mass distance learning suggests that at the moment this new social phenomenon is at the stage of transition from understanding to mastering the scenario, while professional developments of this problem, “moving towards” social demand, are preparing the transition to the third stage – the stage of rational management of the social situation that has arisen.
Keywords: reasoning, distance education, the everyday picture of the world, network communication, sign-based picture of the world.
The study was done with partial grant support RFBR 17-29-07051 and 18-29-22027.
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