M. Zakharova



The article is devoted to the role of irony in professional communication. The following questions are raised: the status of irony in professional communication, professional areas that allow and reject the use of irony, goals and objectives of the use of irony in professional communication. For greater objectivity of the description the concept “ironic regulative” (ironic communication program) is entered, allowing to describe irony not from the point of view of its formal displays, and from the speech program of the subject of communicative influence. The ironic regulative means a type of internal speech program of the subject of speech, in which the use of irony becomes a software way of solving communicative and professional tasks.
In the process of research the author comes to the following conclusions: ironic communication program is unacceptable in official forms of professional communication, however, in the process of informal professional communication, as well as in the process of professional activity in various fields, the use of ironic regulations is often not only acceptable, but also strategically necessary, as it allows to resolve conflict and stress situations less painfully. In some professional areas, ironic regulation becomes almost a prerequisite for highly professional communication outside the formal official business interaction zone.

Keywords: irony, strategic communication program, professional communication, conflict situation, communicative interaction.


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