Sakhnevich S.V.


The article presented is devoted to the history of influencing translation. Any event in a societal life of people, inevitably dividing them, simultaneously splits translation recipients as well – into unsmilar to each other segments. Translators, though, noticing in translation history only the history of ideological discrepancies among translators proper, regard the necessity to select a translation technique in accordance with the type of a translation recipient as a whim of a translator rather than the demand of the modern period of translation, which reached another milestone in its evolution.
Additionally, the norms and the maxims built to improve translation more often than not make it incompehensible for a translation recipient thus for more than one hundred years blocking the development of a translation theory because their rigidness and intransingence do not permit any new translation sciences or any significant translation branches to emerge. It is high time an alternative to the norms and the maxims as a tool to improve translation were suggested. This alternative, in the Era of the Marketing Company is a target consumer, in our case a target translation consumer whose needs are necessary to meet. These needs can be a want to accelerate translation, to focus on grammar or to primitively convey the meaning of a text. It is on the basis translation recipient needs how a translator makes specific decisions in order to provide a tailor-made translation in accordance with the requirements of the Era of the Marketing Company in general, and the needs of a recipient in particular.

Keywords: co-institutionalization with a translation recipient, marketing company era, meeting needs of translation recipients, nomenclature, tailor-made translation, translation recipient, translation recipient`s noesis, translation segment, translator`s noesis.



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