M. Sosnova


The article analyzes the issues of educating creativity in a teacher and a student in their joint activities, emphasizes the need to create a creative mindset for both. An analysis of some real “creative techniques” [Sosnova, 2008b], approaches, techniques and technologies (from the Arsenal of E. Morin, Edward de Bono, J. Goleman, etc.), as well as individual technologies of the author of the article is given. Among other techniques, attention is drawn to the technology of «keeping a personal diary» [Sosnova, 2008b], to the method of “complex thinking” that is little used in pedagogy [Морен, 2005]. The author suggests that the scientific community should pay more attention to the impact on the creative component of the consciousness and (unconscious) of the teacher and student, and contribute in every possible way to the development of their psychological stability and moral spiritual strength.

Keywords: creativity, creativity, technologies and techniques of creativity, creative technique, teacher-researcher, functional organs of creativity, “complex thinking” (according to E. Moren), personal creative diary, spiritual power.



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