Ju Junsheng, М.Matveev, Li Yajun
In the modern world the study of media has the particular importance. It should be noted that the media often plays the role of facilitator in the process of information transmission, so print and electronic media are powerful tool of formation of public consciousness. The reality today is constructed by media and almost everything we know about the world we get from media. Currently the whole range of techniques of modern science is used for the study of media texts – from traditional methods of system and content analysis to attract psychological and psycholinguistic methods. Application of methods of different sciences to analyze media allows you to obtain a comprehensive idea about the real properties of mediatexts, in particular to examine their impact on individual and public consciousness. This study uses a psycholinguistic approach to the study of creolized media texts. Understanding of creolized text is performed by an analog display, i.e. a way of consciousness that is similar to the image (e.g., visual or acoustic) of the object that a person is watching at the moment. The images of consciousness formed during the perception of objects and phenomena, and further, having been stored in the mind, the perception of such an object or phenomenon, used as a perceptual standard to which the individual will carry out a comparison of perceived items later.
Keywords: mediatext, image consciousness, creolized text, discourse, semantic differential.
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