I. Zhuravlev


When constructing a communicative model of speech process it is necessary to take into account the existence of different types, forms and levels of communication. One of the actual tasks of modern psycholinguistics is the study of a professional community communication. At the same time, it should be understood that communication is carried out in different forms and at different levels: not everything in the communication process is accessible to the reflective self-view and critical assessments of it’s participants. The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the mythological aspects of professional communication. We understand professional myth as a system of expectations shared by the members of a professional community, which at the time of communication is not subjected to conscious reflection. A distinction is made between the categories of “professional world image” and “professional myth”. It is shown that the functioning of the professional myth can be studied on the basis of A.N. Leontiev’s idea of dialectical opposition “image—process”. Although myth is not susceptible to reflection, the process of myth adoption needs its partial objectification (it happens when learning professional language). In the course of pedagogical activity we can see a transition from extra-group communication (when a representative of the profession refers to people who are not the bearers of this professional worldview and professional myth) to intra-group communication (i.e. communication within a professional group).

Keywords: communication, professional communication, world image, professional myth, reflection, knowledge 




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