I. Zhuravlev, Ju. Zhuravleva
This work is devoted to the analysis of scientific grounds on which the theory of psychotherapeutic communication can be built. The General psychological theory of activity, the theory of speech activity, the theory of speech communication, the theory of discourse analysis and the theory of communication of Palo Alto school are considered as the basis of the theory of psychotherapeutic communication. The idea of psychotherapy as a sign activity is substantiated. Mythological aspects of psychotherapy are considered. Five key characteristics of therapeutic communication are formulated: 1) the coincidence of the basic tasks of psychotherapy as a communication and psychotherapy as activities (psychotherapeutic communication to the point – this is the psychotherapeutic activity); 2) exteriorization of the figure of the “other” (the therapist for the client is the internal “others”, perceive the outside); 3) the existence in communication of different levels, including the level of content (communication) and relationships (metacommunication); 4) generative nature of psychotherapeutic communication in relation to the motives, meanings and knowledge of the client (as well as the therapist) and the associated priority of the process over the content; 5) proliferation of meanings (cascade nature of the process of meaning generation). It is shown that psychotherapeutic communication in the most vivid form demonstrates the essence of communication as it is, which consists in clarifying by a person his motives, meanings, knowledge not only for the other, but also for himself.
Keywords: psychotherapy, communication, activity, discourse, metacommunication, process and content, Socratic dialogue
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