K. Ursul



The article is devoted to the analysis of the conceptual principles of the process that represents symbols and images of the world environment by means of a foreign language. The study is conducted on the basis of the cognitive science. The basis of the cognitive analysis is a concept of time that is the most fundamental concept in the structure of all foreign languages. The author believes this concept to be the most fundamental, first of all, because of its philosophical origins. Besides, the ability of each nation to describe similar events, but with different, dissimilar, linguistic forms, indicates that various nations have a common core of the concept of time, which has different forms of representation in the language structure depending on the language in question. As far as the analysis progresses, the author, after a number of scholars, introduces the notion of a “conceptual-semantic category”, which is universal for all languages and specifies a connection between language and way of thinking. This notion allows us to upbuild all the stages of the formation of thoughts and images in the human mind, to justify the idea of their verbal expression directly in the language and, thus, describe the organization of professional consciousness of scholars of language, who are engaged in the study of complex grammatical structures that are the subject of more sophisticated studies.

Key words: concept, conceptual-semantic category, consciousness, non-linguistic and linguistic categories, grammatical category.



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