E. Lupanova


Anthropological paradigm in linguistics, which develops as an important part of language theory, involves the study of linguistic realities not as autonomous self-sufficient entities, but in close relationship with the fundamental aspects of human existence – culture, mentality, consciousness. The article is devoted to the study of the professional image of the world of the representatives of the American military subculture on the material of the US Army units’ special designations. The study of military phraseology allows us to speak about a special interpretation of ideas, attitudes and values, existing in the American culture in the language consciousness of soldiers whose mentality is formed under the influence of the specifics of life and tasks performed. The professional image of the world is distinguished by special images, symbols and stereotypes. Figurative systems underlying the phrases of the military sociolect make it possible to consider the peculiarities of the professional image of the world of soldiers, to reveal moral attitudes and values, to study the manifestations of ethnic mentality reflected in the semantics of notation symbols.

Keywords: world image, professional world image, army society, special designation, symbol, military subculture.



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