Myskin S., Lukyantseva V.


The article presents a theoretical justification for the study of the image of the family world that has developed in each of the spouses. Based on the psychosemantic concept of consciousness, the authors show possible directions for studying the nature of a couple’s relationships and their influence on the image of the family world. The consciousness of the spouses is analyzed based on the main provisions of the General psychological theory of activity. The family is characterized as a special type of joint activity. The authors reveal the multi-layered nature of the image of the family world. The directions of experimental analysis of the image of the family world are indicated. The methodological basis for the study of interpersonal relationships of spouses, which includes various theories and concepts of social psychology of the family: the work on the study of attachment of J. p. Bowlby, M. Bowen’s emotional family systems, theories based on role models of behavior and social exchange, etc.

Keywords: psychosemantics, image of the world, consciousness, multilayering, family psychology, experience, joint activity.



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