M. Sosnova


The article analyzes creative activities of the actor in order to detect the mechanisms of formation of consciousness in the creative process. Training actor roles in its main features is technologically a well-established procedure, which has deep roots in the world of theatrical culture. The theater can be considered as a laboratory where there is a test and improvement of new technologies of formation of consciousness of actors, Directors, literators and spectators. It is necessary to use this rich experience to comprehend the complex processes of formation and development of consciousness, to understand the relationship of consciousness with the unconscious, with the intuition of the creator. In the process of creating the performance the actor and the Director constantly externalize processes and products of their consciousness, which obtains its significance in the form of Director’s explication, actor’s sketches of the future character’s portrait, clothing, costume, staging diagrams, etc. The finished work (performance) provokes images of perception, evaluation and judgments in spectator’s consciousness; literators transform these images into articles and reviews. The novelty of the research consists in the joint method of studying and interpreting data using the conceptual apparatus of art history and psychology. The article presents a system of components of the performance, objects of perception and evaluation by the audience, which is preliminarily (and partly in parallel, when the creation of the actor takes place in front of the public) the subject of the actor and Director’s efforts on the birth of images of consciousness, their plans in visible real images – for another consciousness and perception.

An author, an actress, a teacher or a researcher in the field of psychological and pedagogical processes emphasizes the importance of art as an effective way of formation and development of consciousness both of the creator and recipients, primarily for the purpose of humanization, socialization of individuals and society as a whole.

Keywords: creative activities, externalization of consciousness, methods and products of action activities as images of consciousness, technology of formation and development of consciousness, actor, Director, performance, recipient of  pieces of art, interpretation.


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