B. Boyko
The article deals with the analysis of the functioning problems of professional jargon in professional military language. Military jargon in the author’s
understanding is a certain amount of lexical and phraseological units, that characterize the language of military servicemen. Units of the professional jargon as
a certain set of verbal substitutes of official terms are between units of military terminology and general military jargon. Military professional jargon is realized in the professional language of military servicemen. Along with the communicative function, in communication processes it performs the function of linguistic economy and shows social belonging of the speaker to the professional group. An organizing function of the professional jargon is used to reduce distances vertically. It serves the process of delegating responsibility for carrying out tasks from above and taking this responsibility from below. The professional language of military servicemen can be analyzed in fiction and publicistic texts. In order to make the military professional vocabulary more understandable for the readers who do not have sufficient professional education, the authors of the texts in mass publications
provide an in-text commentary on some units of the professional jargon. The illustrative material is borrowed from popular military publications, mainly from the
texts of the “Krasnaya Zvezda” newspaper.
Key words: military jargon, military professional language, military terminology, military jargon, social and speech functions of professional jargon.
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