M. Ryabova
The article is devoted to the issue of blogger’s lingual identity interrelated by the network communication’s sociocultural context. Based on dual oppositions method, the role of language and speech within new present day technical environment, which is reducing blogger’s subject qualities to the internet self-presentation and that is considered to be a potential possibility of recipient’s perception absolute control, is substantiated. It happens when you rely on communicative visual means and complex use of all the tools provided by the blog (nickname, avatar, etc.). Operating on the premise that within a network communication an individual has the opportunity to introduce himself in the way he wants and his speech embodied in an electronic text may be the only source of information about the blogger. The blog language is a mixture of various functional styles. It is characterized by the presence of both literary language neutral means and colloquial forms. In this sense it can be argued that blogs play the roles of evolution and development spaces for XXI century linguistic means and that this affects the blogosphere state as a whole. It was concluded that if we take into account that the development of technologies contributed to the appearance of the blog genre and the same factor still affects the genre evolution, then we can safely say that the new opportunities to study blogger’s lingual identity and to identify, how an individual use the language in his speech depending on the method of communication, with the further technological development will appear.
Keywords: language, speech, lingual identity, blogger, blogosphere, network communication environment, dual opposition, self-presentation.
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