Chilingire E.Ju.


The article reveals the basic concepts and terms of public relations used in the academic and professional environment. The article is intended for an reader who is not an expert in this field, therefore, it analyzes the very term “public relations” and its synonyms in Russian, provides a systematic overview of the definitions of this term, both Russian and foreign authors. Criteria are given to highlight PR among related communication technologies, in particular advertising. For a better understanding of the process of public relations, the article gives a brief overview of the main tools, the areas of services, PR documents, PR events, as well as the stages of the PR campaign. The characteristics of the structures engaged in public relations – PR-services of organizations and PR-agencies, as well as the reasons for the cooperation of these structures are given. The article summarizes the author’s many years of experience both in teaching the discipline “Introduction to the Public Relations Specialty” and in work in this industry, and is intended to help the interested reader to get acquainted with a new sphere of public relations.

Keywords: Public Relation, Advertising, PR documents, PR events.



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