Peshkova N.
The present paper proves the position of the scientific text as a hypertext performing in the situation of information perception under some new conditions of modern communication.
The article considers some specific features typical to modern communication in general and, particularly, to science and professional communication. Among them: increase of information volumes, which results in the information abundance generating sense abundance for an addressee; generation of multiple complementary information fragments belonging to the same or different fields of knowledge. This tendency results in constructing complementary models of one and the same object and generating complementary and, simultaneously, independent knowledge structures.
The universal properties typical both to the hypertext and to the scientific text are analyzed. The ontological properties of the scientific text which make possible its relating to the hypertext are: intertextuality and precedential nature resulting in its secondary nature which does not prevent it from having novelty and being original; interactivity reflecting the essence of the modern communication as simultaneous information perception and production; hierarchy structure of its content and sense; its incompleteness and open nature.
Based on the analysis of the characteristics mentioned above the conclusion is made that the scientific text as a hypertext is an effective instrument of the modern science and professional communication.
Keywords: hypertext, scientific text, information abundance, complementarity principle, intertextuality, precedential nature, secondary nature, interactivity.
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