Ryabova M.
A surge of research interest in professional communication, internal meaning and its structural components has been observed in Russian and foreign linguistic thought since the end of the twentieth century. Whether this is the result of a certain socio-cultural situation or marks the onset of a new paradigm, it is difficult to answer unequivocally. Most likely, both options are correct. The modern communication space is radically different from the one that existed almost recently, several decades ago. The new electronic reality imposes a unique imprint on all areas of society’s activities, including professional communication. As you know, a specific conceptual system that serves the professional sphere, functionally tends to the language implementation of specially encoded information. Information technologies have led to the fact that the linear order of information structuring is replaced by a variable system of transitions between semantic units. The sequence of transitions is non-linear, fragmentary, open, interactive, and incomplete. therefore, the concept of “hypertext”becomes one of the Central categories in professional communication. The purpose of this article is to outline the hypertextuality of professional communication that actualizes it today.
Keywords: hypertext, intertextuality, professional communication, polycode text, semantic connectedness of the text
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