E. Tarasov, L. Golovina
The purpose of the article is to form theoretical prerequisites for explaining the understanding of speech messages by communicants.
The content of a speech message is constructed from the knowledge of each recipient associated with the bodies of language signs that make up this speech message. The difference of such knowledge of recipients inevitably leads to the creation of non-identical contents of the same speech message. For theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of non-identity of content it is advisable to use the principle of complementarity N. Bohr. According to this principle, non-identical contents of the same text can be interpreted as additional models that do not contradict but complement each other.
Theoretical substantiation of additional models in the study of the problem of non-identity of the contents of speech messages can be found in the integrative-eclectic approach to the analysis of psychological phenomenology, formed by V. A. Yangus.
Keywords: speech message, complementarity principle, non-identity of the text, integrative-eclectic approach.
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