A. Romanov


 (as exemplified in English)


This study belongs to the anthropological paradigm and examines the triad of “culture – conscience – language”. The significance of theoretical and practical development of issues related to intercultural communication conditions the relevance of our research. The object of this paper is the U.S. military professional lingo. The subject area embraces the precedent name interpreted as an authentic linguocultural artifact of GI’s speech repertoire. Among an array of precedent phenomena that form the national-cultural foundation of an ethnic community, precedent nominations occupy a special niche. Precedent names constitute the core of linguistic means of transmitting socially significant experience, and serve as a means for explicating national fundamental concepts. This study is exemplified in English based on the analytical-descriptive method, the method of continuous sampling of illustrative material, and elements of intentional and contextual analysis.

Keywords: ethnos, U.S. Armed Forces, GI military subculture, service member, military idiom, social dialect, precedent phenomena, precedent name.



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