M. Relinque-Barranca, F. J. Vigier-Moreno
(translated from original by M.O. Matveev)
As noted by most prominent Translation Studies scholars (S. Šarčević; E. Alcaraz Varó and B. Hughes; D. Cao; to name but a few), intersystemic legal translation is characterised by the asymmetry of the legal systems concerned and its subsequent conceptual and terminological incongruity. These difficulties become even bigger when working with languages, cultures and legal systems with different historical background and development, such as Spanish, English and Russian.
In this paper we will focus on the challenges identified in the translation of a set of legal texts used at the Refugee Reception Centre of Seville (Spain) in a project dedicated to translating and revising documentation used at this governmental institution. More specifically, we will focus on the problematic terminological and phraseological units encountered in those texts and the solutions offered, taking into account the specific recipients of these texts (i.e., refugees and asylum-seekers), the specific purpose of such translated texts and the implications of frequently using English and Russian as lingua francas in these settings.
Keywords: translation; legal documents; refugees; Spanish; English; Russian.
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URL: https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/3580/1576>